Is the Green Mountain Conservancy a 501c3 not-for-profit organization?
  • Yes.
Are contributions to the Green Mountain Conservancy tax deductible?
  • Yes.
How many acres are in the Deer Run Nature Preserve?
  • There are 913 acres.
What is the status of the property?
What is the current use status of the Deer Run Nature Preserve?
  • The property purchased in 2019 is in current use. The GMC has developed a required conservation management plan to continue its current use status. Application has been filed for the parcel that was added in 2021.

How will the Deer Run Nature Preserve be managed over time?
  • The property will be managed by the Green Mountain Conservancy.
Who will pay the property taxes on the Preserve?
  • The Green Mountain Conservancy has an endowment fund to cover the cost of taxes.

Is the Deer Run Nature Preserve open to the public?
  • The Deer Run Nature Preserve is open to the public for allowed activities including walking, hiking, snowshoeing, birdwatching and educational programs. Given the terrain, the trail is not well-suited to cross country skiing.
Where is the Deer Run Nature Preserve trailhead?
  • The trailhead is well-marked is located at 940 Camp Arden Road, Dummerston, VT. It is located just under 2 miles from the Dummerston Covered Bridge on the right-hand side of the road. From Route 30, cross the bridge and turn left onto Camp Arden Road. From the East West Road, go straight onto Camp Arden Road, passing by the bridge. There is a gated area for parking.

Visit here for further information and maps.

Is hunting be allowed on the property?
  • Yes, with written permission.  Contact the Green Mountain Conservancy for permission. Please see our Hunting Policy for more information.

Are people be allowed to build stone sculptures or make other changes to the property?
  • No.
Are trash receptacles available on the property?
  • No.  People are asked to carry out all trash. People are asked to take only pictures and leave only footprints.

Is camping allowed on the property?
  • No, not at this time. The Green Mountain Conservancy is considering the development of several wilderness campsites.

Are motorized vehicles allowed on the Deer Run Nature Preserve?
  • Motorized vehicles are not allowed on the Deer Run Nature Preserve, except for emergencies or essential property management.

Are bicycles or horses be allowed to use the trails on the property?
  • The current trails were designed for use by pedestrians only and will not be open to bicycles or horseback riding due to the fragility of the terrain. Trails for use by bicyclists and horseback riders may be developed in the future.

Are the trails handicapped accessible?
  • No. Roots, rocks and the width of the trail preclude the use of wheelchairs. But the trails are low gradient to accommodate people who have walking limitations.    

Will there be additional trails?
  • The GMC is planning to build more hiking trails on the property over time. 

Are green burials, mining, gravel removal or commercial logging by allowed?
  • There is no provision for green burials at this time. The soils are rocky and not well suited to burials. There will be no mining, gravel removal or commercial logging of the Deer Run Nature Preserve.
Is the Green Mountain Conservancy a membership organization?
  • No.
Does the Green Mountain Conservancy need volunteers?
  • Yes. To help with trail building and maintenance, invasive removal, inventorying, fundraising or administrative and other tasks, please e-mail info@greenmountainconcervancy.org

How does the Green Mountain Conservancy raise money to purchase and maintain wildlands
  • It raises funds through the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, foundations, corporations, service clubs, fundraising events and individuals.  You can contribute to the Green Mountain Conservancy through Paypal or mail checks made out to the Green Mountain Conservancy to: Green Mountain Conservancy to Green Mountain Conservancy, PO Box 301, West Dummerston, VT 05357.

How can i get more information about the Green Mountain Conservancy and the Deer Run Nature Preserve?

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