Notes on protecting nature by Mary Ellen Copeland:

Mylar Balloons

Mylar balloons are a hazard to wildlife. They get tangled in the string and may even try to eat them, choke on them or strangle on them. Several weeks ago when I was hiking on Deer Run I saw ahead of me on the trail a bright light. It looked like it was coming toward me. Spooky. I stuck with the trail and before long realized it was a mylar balloon hanging in the branches of a tree that was catching the sun rays. Please avoid mylar balloons. If you get one, please dispose of it in the trash, rather than having it float up into the trees, get caught there or come to earth and present a hazard to wildlife.

Lawn Mowing

If you come by my place in this season, you will note the shaggy appearance. No manicured lawn. Our lawn has become a haven for crickets, bees, butterflies, grasshoppers, moths and many other types of insects. A visiting friend said she was trying to figure out what made our lawn so different. She figured out it was all the noise-the cricket sounds, the chirping, the sounds of creatures doing what they are supposed to do to support biodiversity on the planet. So, I encourage you to stop mowing your lawn. Simple walking paths can be mowed to avoid ticks. If you care to, you can mow after the frost when the creatures have gone into their winter digs. The wild flowers are colorful and phenomenal.

Encourage your neighbors to do the same. For more info. refer to online resources developed by Doug Tallamy.